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Creating a world where no grieving person journeys alone.

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In 2011, Cornerstone of Hope opened an office in Columbus to serve Central Ohio. Cornerstone of Hope Columbus offers individual counseling, support groups, summer camps, and memorial events.

Our spaces are uniquely designed to facilitate creative therapies, and we have dedicated spaces for different age groups. Our ultimate goal was to create a comfortable, home-like environment that welcomed all individuals and families entering our doors. 

Who We Are

Meet the dynamic team of professionals who serve our office in Columbus, Ohio.

Our Clinicians


Melissa Ayotte, MA, ATR-BC

Art Therapist & Support Group Facilitator
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles but the Lord delivers him from them all. He protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.”
- Psalm 34:18-19

I joined Cornerstone of Hope as a Group Facilitator in 2023. I am a registered and board-certified art therapist. I have experience working in a variety of settings, supporting children and adults in healing & growing through art expression. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Ohio University and a Master’s degree in Art Therapy from Saint Mary of the Woods College. I live with my husband and two goofy labs, Jake and Molly.

Alexandra Barron

Clinical social work intern
I joined the Cornerstone of Hope Columbus team in 2023 as a social work intern. Currently, I am a student at Case Western Reserve University, working to obtain my masters in social work. In 2019, I received my Bachelor of Arts in sociology from The Ohio State University. I live in Columbus with my cat, Cremini. When I am not working on school or seeing clients, you can find me doing yoga or vintage shopping!

Michelle Buckley, MSW, LSW

School Group Facilitator
"The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
– Philippians 4:5-7

I joined Cornerstone of Hope as a School Group Facilitator in 2022. Previously, I worked in the foster care system and as a Hospice Social Worker. I completed my Master’s Degree in Social Work from The Ohio State University in 2005. Family is very important to me. I love spending time with my spouse and two sons, as well as my huge extended family.  I also enjoy sports, especially futbol (soccer), board games and reading.

Annie Dalby, LISW-S

“Lord, help me to live this day quietly, easily; To lean on Thy great strength trustfully, restfully.”
- St. Francis of Assisi

I joined Cornerstone of Hope in 2021. I’ve practiced social work for over thirty years and have served as a spiritual director since 2009. I have a master’s degree in clinical social work from OSU and a Certificate of Completion from Wellstreams Ecumenical Training Program of Spiritual Formation and Development. My family and I live in Columbus with our dog and two cats. God’s spirit comes alive for me in nature and I try to be outdoors whenever possible!

Emma Garee, LSW

Support group coordinator & Clinician
I joined the Cornerstone of Hope team in Fall of 2023. I have previous work experience in case management, group intervention, and collaborative teamwork. I graduated from Wright State University in Spring of 2023 and received my LSW shortly after. I am currently finishing my graduate studies at The Ohio State University. I am very passionate about helping individuals cope with major life stressors and walking beside them in their healing journeys.

Keshawn Harper

Support Group Facilitator
I joined Cornerstone of Hope in 2022 as a support group facilitator. Additionally, I work as a High School Social Worker where I work with adolescents to manage grief, anxiety, stress, depression, and other crises. I received my Master’s degree in Social Work from The Ohio State University where I am now an Adjunct Lecturer. When I’m not working, I enjoy working out and improv comedy.

Our interns are an integral part of our staff at Cornerstone, attending staff trainings, providing feedback in meetings, and most importantly, supporting Client care through individual sessions and facilitators for school and support groups. Learn more about our interns here.

Our Leadership


Mark Tripodi

"Jesus told her, 'I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?'"
- John 11:25–26

My wife, Christi, and I are the founders of Cornerstone of Hope. We experienced the sudden death of our three year old son, Bobby, in May of 2000. Our lives have been forever changed since that very day. Soon after, we felt God’s call to offer support to families who have experienced the death of a loved one. Cornerstone of Hope was founded in 2003. I am passionate about introducing Cornerstone of Hope to families in need, to volunteers who want to make an impact and to companies and individuals who feel called to generously support this crucial mission.

Pete Bliss

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”
- Psalm 34:18
I joined the Cornerstone team in 2020. As Community Outreach Coordinator, my role is to educate the Cleveland community about COH services, network with relevant community service providers, and represent COH at meetings, events and activities. I have served in the crisis intervention field for 30 years and am a survivor of multiple suicide losses. Companioning those who have experienced traumatic loss and training responders is my passion.

Matt Grant

Donor Relations Officer
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
- Matthew 11:28

In September 2023 I became the Donor Relations Officer for Cornerstone of Hope. Having spent most of my life in camp ministry, recently as an Executive Director, I have had extensive experience in fundraising and development. I have three boys and we are a close-knit family that enjoys the outdoors, the zoo and movie nights. I am excited to be here and for the impact we will make in the surrounding Columbus area and beyond.

Hannah Mascio, LPCC-S, NCC

Clinical Director
“And you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and take your rest in security.”
– Job 11:18
Hello, I'm Hannah Mascio, LPCC-S, NCC, serving as the Clinical Director at Cornerstone of Hope. I hold a master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from John Carroll University. My mission is to provide compassionate support to individuals navigating the intricate path of grief. With my extensive background, I am committed to fostering a safe and nurturing environment within our counseling center. I believe in offering empathetic care to those seeking solace and healing during challenging times. My dedication to mental health and well-being makes me proud to be a part of this team, contributing to the journey of healing for our clients.

Molly O’Driscoll, LPCC, GC-C

Clinical Supervisor
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I joined Cornerstone of Hope in 2018, and I currently serve as a clinician, traumatic loss support group facilitator, and oversee Grief Matters, our monthly workshop series. I hold a Master’s Degree in Counseling and Human Development (Clinical Mental Health) and a Grief Counseling Certification. I am also trained in EMDR Therapy. Through my roles here and prior work in funeral home and hospice settings, I’m humbled to walk with others along their grief journeys.

Amber Wiesner

Chief Operating Officer
“Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”
- Isaiah 41:10

In May 2023, I joined Cornerstone of Hope as HR Director and Project Manager after working as an Executive Director and running a consulting business focused on healthcare and non-profits. My primary goal is to support healthcare workers in delivering exceptional care. My career is driven by a passion to make a meaningful impact, providing peace, hope, love, and guidance to others. Outside of work, I'm a mother of two, actively coaching their sports and being their biggest cheerleader in all their pursuits.

Our Staff


Brieann Baker

Office coordinator
I joined Cornerstone of Hope in April 2024. I attended the Ohio State University in Mansfield with a major in Sociology. After spending 20 years in retail I decided to take my passion for helping people and join the Cornerstone family. When I'm not working, I enjoy spending time with my kids at the pool, lake, park, and zoo.

Jenna Bechtel

Community Outreach coordinator
“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
– Psalm 73:26
I joined the Cornerstone of Hope team in 2023. Before switching my passion towards Psychology, I worked as an Emergency Medical Technician and Vet Technician. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Neuropsychology and a minor in Biblical Studies. My interests include traveling, playing volleyball, and fishing. Ohio has been my home for most of my life, and because of that one of my favorite activities is going to Cedar Point.

Alicia Cowles

Mid-Ohio Trauamtic Loss Response Team Field Responder
“I tell my students, 'When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else. This is not just a grab-bag candy game.”
- Toni Morrison
I joined the Cornerstone of Hope Mid-Ohio Traumatic Loss Response team at the end of June 2024. As a survivor of traumatic loss, I feel called to help others as they navigate their grief. I am an Aging Specialist with a background in advocacy for older Ohioans and individuals with a disability across the life span. I hold a Master's degree in Gerontology and a Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders. I am passionate about promoting excellence in all services, empowering individuals to make decisions regarding their health, and educating all mental and physical health providers about Trauma Informed Care practices. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my nieces and nephews, writing poetry, reading, and snuggling my rescue pup, Abigail . 

Kristen Cook

Client Services Coordinator
“Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life.”
– Psalm 143:8

I joined Cornerstone of Hope as the Clinical Receptionist in 2019 and recently transitioned into my current role as Client Services Coordinator. Throughout my career, I have worked for a variety of small and large organizations as administrative support, and I hold an Associate of Applied Business Human Resources Management degree. My interests include reading, baking, and spending time with my family.

Angela Polter

Operations Assistant
"For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”
– Jeremiah 29:11

I have been employed at Cornerstone of Hope since 2019, when our family relocated here from Northwest Ohio. I have a bachelor’s degree from Bowling Green State University. My husband and I live in Independence with our three children and three dogs. On the weekends, you can find me exploring the outdoors, camping, on the sidelines of my kid’s sporting events, or coaching youth cheerleading.

Kim Turner, LISW-S

Coordinator, Mid-Ohio Traumatic Loss Response Team
"He has told you, O man, what is good, and what the Lord demands of you; but to do justice, to love loving-kindness, and to walk discreetly with your God.”
– Micah 6:8 

I joined Cornerstone of Hope in February 2022. As the Mid-Ohio Traumatic Loss Response Team Coordinator, I coordinate postvention efforts in Delaware, Morrow, Marion, and Crawford counties, including partnering with regional stakeholders, training volunteers, and supporting those who have lost someone to a traumatic loss. With over 15 years of experience in trauma recovery, I am passionate about reducing barriers for those impacted by traumatic loss. In my spare time, I enjoy playing the Ukulele.

Board of Directors

Mike Abramo

Plante Morgan

Becky Bandelaria

Huntington National Bank

Jerry Bennett

Kurtz Bros., Inc.

Duane Borcherding

New York Life Insurance Company

Allan Dinsmore

Messer Construction Co.

Bryan Duff

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Barbara Fohl


Emilie Kurtz

Auditor of State - Ohio 

Stacy McVan

Edward Jones

Matt Meyer

TransCounty Title Agency

Leanne Ebert Murphy

Comprehensive Pharmacy Services

Shannan Ritchie

Hattie Larlham

Michelle Slawinski

Summit Multisport

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© 2024 Cornerstone of Hope, Inc.
Site by Each+Every

Cornerstone of Hope is a 501(c)3.
All donations are tax-deductible.